Embracing Your Childlike Wonder

Take moments to observe children under the age of, let’s say, 2 years old. Notice their incredible curiosity, wonderment towards life, fearlessness, and general non-judgmental nature. They also know no concept of failure! Witness them fall repeatedly as they learn to walk, yet never once do they declare, “I give up, I'll never walk.” Such a thought never crosses their minds—thankfully, haha. 

This innocence embodies your true essence until you absorb the ways of the world. Perhaps consider embracing this childlike spirit again! This aligns with ancient teachings that encourage us to “be like a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”

You can start by practicing detachment from your thoughts. Understand that your core self is not defined by your thoughts or your body. Your 'inner child' intuitively recognizes this truth.


Change from Within


The Truth is Within